News Details

DRinVET Multiplier Event E2

Place: Hungarian Institute of Transport Science and Logistics Nonprofit Ltd., Budapest - Hungary (KTI)
Host: Learn Virtual Europe Ltd (LVE)
Date: 09/12/2022

On the 9th of December 2022, Learn Virtual Europe (LVE) carried out the multiplier event of the DRinVET project in Budapest, gathering 40 participants from Hungary and from the neighboring fluently Hungarian-spoken European countries as well. The main objective of the event was to present/demonstrate the results of the DRinVET project and to discuss the possibilities of validating the project results at the EU level.

During the event, Ferenc Benus Jr. technical director, and Zoltán Kelemen project manager were given an overview of all the intellectual outputs, valued outcomes of the project activities, and existing intellectual products developed under the DRinVET project. This layout was used to measure and contribute to the sustainability of the products after the end of the project and to collect feedback from participants on the project results. In the last section of the meeting before lunch, we showcased and focused on the new role of INSTRUCTOR 2.0 required from the training institution in order to be able to use/integrate the different immersive training simulator systems efficiently into the daily VET education.

After the lunch break, all the participants could try many existing new training tools, like VR/AR simulator solutions designed to support the VET. It was nice to see everybody - the younger and older generation too - wanted to try the various XR simulator solutions has been presented by the KTI, our valued associate partner in the VET digitalization in Hungary.

Access the DRinVET Facebook and LinkedIn to keep updated on the next activities and achievements!

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